Saturday, May 31, 2014

~ Parent of Second Grader at Lakeview Elementary School

We are so grateful for Chris' program. Our daughter went through both the Facts to 9 and The Facts 10-18 class and it has drastically improved her math sills, speed, and confidence. We have even heard the words, "That is easy!" come from her on several occasions. She no longer "counts" on fingers or in her head, and instead, asks herself, "What goes with 7 to equal 15?" She is able to break larger problems down into smaller, more manageable pieces using the foundations she learning in The Facts to 9 class. The Facts 10-18 class has helped her to function with larger numbers and manipulate place values. I've had the parent volunteers come and tell me that she calculates problems in her head during class that they have to write down on paper to verify. Reagan says math is the easiest part of school and when faced with nightly homework options (spelling, vocabulary, reading and math) readily chooses math as her first activity. She doesn't think twice about completing a 100-problem math page from your homework; it always makes us smile when she is so confident and quick to choose her "easy" math homework. Of all the extra curricular activities we have provided for her over the years, your program was by far the best investment in her confidence and academic performance we could have chosen. We would highly recommend Ways That Work for building a fantastic foundation of math skills that will serve any child throughout their school career.
